Online sexual harassment is when someone is mean or hurts another person using the internet because of their gender or sexual identity. 

It can happen through social media, texts, emails, and more. Often, women and girls are the ones who get hurt the most, but it can happen to anyone.

Sometimes, people are treated unfairly online not just because of their gender, but also because of their race, where they come from, who they like, or if they have a disability. 

Abuse can also happen within families or between people who are dating.

It can be really scary for someone, especially if they feel they can't ask for help because of fear or not trusting the people who are supposed to help them. 

Seeing others who are like them getting hurt online can make some people afraid to speak out in public and stop them taking opportunities or doing things they could have done to help society like taking part in politics.

Sexual harassment can includes making rude sexual comments, sharing private photos without permission, or forcing someone to send such photos. 

Some people might want to do this to show off to friends, to get revenge after a breakup, or just to be mean. 

Even though it's really hard, many people are afraid to tell someone if they're being harassed online. They might think they'll get in worse trouble or be blamed for what happened. This can make them feel even more alone and cut off from friends.

Online harassment and bullying because of someone's gender or sexual identity is a big problem that can hurt people in many ways. It's important for everyone to understand how serious this is and to support each other in standing up against it.

What is online sexual harassment?